Sunday, June 23, 2024

Black Community

  It is important to rebel against unfreedom and resist evil, injustice, and oppression wherever we find it, both in this country and worldwide
. It is also important to understand our past, honor it, improve the present, and imagine a better future. We have a responsibility to honor the sacrifices of those who have fought for African and human rights and to work toward the well-being of the world by remaking it.

As African people, we are aware of the history of resisting genocide and oppression in various parts of the world, including Native America, Africa, and Australia. These atrocities have been carried out in the name of false gods and fictitious claims of civilization and progress, rooted in racism, colonialism, and capitalism. During the Black Freedom Movement, we engaged in a righteous struggle to expose and change the established order. This meant building unity, forming alliances, and resisting oppressive systems, including the university, until essential concessions and changes were made.

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P.N.O  Hustle Motto $18.99
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