Sunday, October 17, 2010

MADE IN AMERICA (The Mista FreeMan Letter)


I greet you here on the Land of the United States of America in the year of our Lord 2010,First I shall thank you, the people of Untied States of America, for bringing me here. I am here to help you solve some of your problems with racism. Your invitation reached me threw tha inter-net in my home in the Western part of tha untied states where I have experimented with some of the newest and still the oldest methods for control of racism. Our ancestor would envy us if my program is implemented. As we walk out our door every day to head to where ever I goal is.I saw enough to know that your program is not unique. While our ancestor use peace and patience you are here using violence and the system on occasion.
I caught the whiff of Nu slavery hanging from a tree a couple of days back.They are not only losing us in tha jail system by using other ways to express their hate toward us.They are having uprisings, racism turn into tha word control now by controlling everything that allow racism to be easy to do these day from tha comfort of a home are office. No more walk and spitting on people shouting horrible things and etc.People…you know what your problems we all are racism in some type of way that all in survival I do not need to elaborate. I am not here to enumerate your racism, I am here to introduce you to a method of P.N.O way to solving racism/controlism
In my bag here, I have a fool-proof method for controlling your racism/controlism I guarantee everyone of you that if installed correctly it will control the racism for at least 100 more years. My method is simple, any member of your family or any overseer can do it.
I have outlined a number of differences among the racism/controlism, and I take these differences and make them bigger. I use Power, Nowledge, and Obedience for control purposes for they kind. These methods have worked form me out in the West and it will work throughout the South. Take this simple little assignment of differences and think about them. On the top of my assignment is “Age”, but it is there because it only starts with an “A”; the second is nationality then there is intelligence,sex and tha size of tha attitude of racism, whether if racism live in the valley, on a hill, East, West, North, South, have fine or coarse hair, or is tall or short. Now that you have a list of assignment, I shall give you an outline of action–but before that, I shall assure you that Tha Power is tha true meaning of tha phrase (At tha top) cause they fear who we are and trust me its way much more of us then them, and Nowledge and Obedience is stronger than adulation, respect, or admiration that why and how they use controlism in all type of way threw lack of Nowledge and tha Obedience to maintain tha Knowledge
The racism/controlism, after receiving this indoctrination, shall carry on and will become self refueling and self generating for hundreds of years, maybe thousands.
Don’t forget, you must always use your P.ower to pitch them vs each other tha young, tha old, tha system to tha streetz no matter who you face everybody worst enemy is thyself so become them study them and remember never become tha subject of what u study.You must use the N.owledge of any type of racism/controlism rather if its darkest skinned to the lightest skinned racism/controlism learn as much as you can and remember two negative are positive will never get you not thing cause it already got what it need so to obtain what you need find your negativity that work for you. I couldn't be able to wirte this if I wasn't taught by some of America most racism/contorlism people from my journey from tha south to tha west.You must use the O.bedience to understand a female and your self to break tha cruse of Women vs Men this will help you to live in a world where people like us are what they call anti's aka revolutionary's are tha Nu nigga word minatory.You must also have yourself de toxic from all modern America ways They servants and overseers distrust all P.N.O people cause they wish are remember when they was like us but it to late so they job is us, but it is necessary that america servants trust and depend on us. They must love, respect, and trust only your flesh what they can see they like that they fear what they can not see your soul is who you really are not your flesh.
People, this P.ower,N.owledge and O.bedience (P.N.O) kits are your keys to control tha racism/controlism, use them. Have your wives and children use them. Never miss opportunity. My plan is guaranteed, and the good thing about this plan is that if used intensely for one year, the racism/controlism themselves will remain perpetually distrustful

{Whether not you agree are not about this letter that exists can be disputed about as much as it can be Right are wrong. But two things are fact, America would not be here w/out people like us from slavery to Freedom, and True there are many ways owners used to control their products, and there reason for this. So lets say the letter is a real but just to be safe,Ask your self is he talking to me are about me Now a days when you buy a product, you get a set of instructions to go with whatever you buy along with a stamp that tells you where it came from. Would it be so ludicrous to assume that such instructions is need when human start becoming products to their own environment that was design to fail from tha jump for people like us ?}

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