Saturday, December 31, 2011

Okay this has been 1 hell of a year of lyfe express by me. I started this year in a spot so dark all I could do is walk on faith. Not knowing are seeing tha out come and with that it cause me to know and learn alot about myself. To tha piont where I defined (FreeLiving) and aslo look hate in tha eye's and live right next door evil In my neighborhood of pain. With know where to run I had know other... choice but to deal with it which i did and still am. I am ME a person who not afraid to live my abnormal lyfe with you so call picture normal lyfer. So if my lyfe issue/etc help you get thru yours by judge me...... Clap Calp Barvo.... But as we all come to this end of yet another year I like to let this be my last post for tha year.The wise ones fashioned speech with their thought, sifting it as grain is sifted through a sieve. Have Safe and Happy end of tha year all tha way into tha Nu One. Take care and Oh one more thing we all are tha same when tha lights are off be true to yourself you can't run forever trust me I kno.................

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