Saturday, March 17, 2012

truth not denial

A 17 year old African American boy was shot in a gated community where his father lives on earth. He was shot by a self-appointed Community Watch Captain who was walking around with a gun. Tha community watch person decided 17 year old looked suspicious. All the boy had was candy and a drink. He was not bothering anyone. He was simply walking from the store to his father's house. So we have to ask ourselves what about the boy made him "look" suspicious? self-appointed Community Watch Captain approached the boy after calling the police and the police telling self-appointed Community Watch Captain not to follow the boy. Disregarding the police self-appointed Community Watch Captain approached the boy with a gun and the boy attempted to defend himself. Now self-appointed Community Watch Captain who weighed about 100 pounds more than the boy and had a gun is claimng self defense. He shot and killed this innocent boy. The police have not arrested self-appointed Community Watch Captain because they claim there is no evidence or witness to counter his claim of self defense. This is an outrage. Imagine if the situation was reversed. All children deserve the same justice and protection. All children should be able to walk around without fear of being shot on the street. Some will say don't bring race into the discussion. When we can not even discuss racism we can not hope to address it or change it. Regardless of race every child deserves justice. When this child and his family are told there is nothing the police can do that is unacceptable. Anyone who cares about children should speak out. Anyone who defends the rights of the community watch person to shoot an innocent child should take some serious time for self reflection. Some will say would you be outraged if the child and adult were the same race and the answer is yes. No family should have to bury their child and the murder of any child by anyone should be met with truth not denial

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