Monday, February 25, 2013

motivation killer

Have you ever joined a gym or bought the latest exercise video, only to lose motivation and quit altogether........ If you’re like most people, you know what I mean. Your intentions are good, but tha fiery motivation that gets you going eventually fizzles and you find yourself right back where you started – or worse. So what is tha secret to lasting motivation? Can you really change your lifestyle habits and become healthier for good?
Tha answer is YES. But first, you’ve got to get rid of what I call your “motivation killers.” Break these bad habits, and you’ll give new lyfe to your health and fitness goals.
“There is a spiritual and mental element to health and fitness goals that is so important Taking care of your body is an act of gratitude for the divine gift of good health. When you change your thinking, you increase your chances for success.”
Psychologists note that a key to changing your thinking is making sure your motivation is solid. Your motivation is your “why” for going after tha goal – and it needs to come from tha inside out. Extrinsic motivation can be enticing, but it does not hold tha sort of meaning that strengthens your perseverance. For example, you could motivate yourself to lose 20 pounds so that you look good for your upcoming high school reunion. But what happens after that? Intrinsic motivation is more meaningful.
For example, “I finally want to experience the potential I know I am capable of,” or “I want to live long and see my grandchildren graduate from college” are intrinsic motivations for better health. It is OK to have some extrinsic motivators, but if all of your motivation is extrinsic, you are more likely to give up when tha journey to your goal becomes tough. Just as dangerous as not finding a strong enough “why” is killing your motivation through some common bad habits.

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