Friday, April 5, 2013

Christian’s and tha Gay community

Thus far I have heard so many variations for and against the institution of same sex marriage, and have logically come to the foregoing realization that America has greatly changed. Be it for tha good or tha bad that is where many of us will part company. As logical as tha argument may be as to why same-sex marriage should exist, is as adamant as I am about who is my Spiritual Believe is to me, and where it has brought me from......I am unashamed of tha Spiritual Believe that saved my lyfe. It is that same Spiritual Believe that showed me I was inadequate alone, and had a void that needed to be filled. It was that same Spiritual Believe that taught me how to love, and not judge my own family members and freinds who identify themselves as gay. I have been charged to love everyone tha way they are, because we are all on different journey’s, but when society ask that I deny tha power of tha Living of my Spiritual Believe that resides in me, you have undeniably juxtaposed my faith with your flesh, and I call that intolerance.Whether or not the SCOTUS weighs in favor of gay marriage or against, Christian’s and tha Gay community must learn to respect boundaries. Unfortunately many of us that have opposing views to gay marriage are made to feel like a 6th grader behind tha school who refuses to take a puff of a cigarette because everyone else is smoking. For America to continue to grow strong we need both types of personalities, how else can your ideas be tested? Not everyone is going to agree with your position, not everyone is going to be tha consummate champion of your cause, and that is ok because at tha end of tha day if you love yourself tha rest is irrelevant. For my gay brothers and sisters you must understand that most Christians are not staunchly against you, but there is a Word that has been divinely given to man, and by that Word many of us live our lives. That does not mean Christian are perfect, I have fallen like everyone else, but I understand the power of forgiveness, and repentance, for that I owe Soul in lyfe my complete and utter allegiance. So as times change we must be wary of intolerance, and learn to love ourselves despite what your fellow American might think...........

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