Saturday, August 17, 2013

Untold DeadDeat Story aka N*ggers ain’t s**t” rhetoric

Most of us know tha narrative of tha deadbeat dad Tha man who shows up to make babies, but never comes by to take care of them are Maybe he doesn’t pay child support, doesn’t spend time with his children, or has more babies mamas than the local maternity ward......LOL Damn...But all jokes aside...... I get it, we’ve heard it.We know that horrible fathers exist,and that they should be confronted like tha terrorists that they are to tha black community......Right I must agree........ But may I have a moment of y'all time to tell you about tha untold story is that of tha.....deadbeat mother.........She often slips under tha radar because of tha........ “N*ggers ain’t s**t” rhetoric......... drowns out tha voices of her defenseless children who are suffering under her regime of blatant selfishness and irresponsibility. Like former North Korean Dictator.......Kim Jong Il...... tha deadbeat mom reigns supreme over tha lives of her kids, seeing them as possessions rather than real human beings.Tha words “my babies” come out of her mouth like a pimp claiming hookers on tha shit........, or a farmer talking about a flock of pigs that he keeps in his barn.Her children have become a muthafuckin weapon. When it comes to tha deadbeat mom, tha non-existent father never had a chance, as she straps on male G*******a and demands that people send her a Father’s Day card every  got damn year...LOL..... Don't get mad at me I'm just telling what they don't say.........  In fact I won't be surprise if tha father might have been dismissed before tha baby shower.....and that's on tha real.......Yes......she’s doing it all by herself, but doesn’t know tha difference between raising kids and teaching them to be successful, productive and well-balanced human beings in lyfe .........And please if tha shoe fit wear tha bitch  and if it don't just look at all these ugly ass dead beats mother who shoe I'm exposing........Now since her kids don’t complain about tha Deadbeat Mother- psychological damage being done during tha parenting process, she presumes that everything must be OK. When I participated in tha P.N.O program of fatherless fathers with  My Family Kartel, I heard stories about fathers who might have been victims of tha deadbeat mother.These were men who desperately wanted to see their children, but were blocked at every turn by a Maternal Security Force that had become convinced that she’d created the babies all by herself......Now anit that some shit for yah ASS...... One man told me that he’d been required to pay child support for years, but that the courts wouldn’t even tell him where they were sending the money so he could track down the mother of his child in order to see his son It appeared that his son’s mother had decided that she wanted access to his money, but was unwilling to share any of the parental power, tha way the Democrats convince black people to vote for them so they can go fight for gay rights.Another person reached out to tell me about a teen girl who’d been sexually assaulted by one of her mother’s boyfriends. As tha endless parade of random men were being brought into tha household and being asked to babysit, tha child’s mother was oblivious to the idea that thousands of children are abused every year by their mother’s boyfriends.When tha child mentioned tha abuse to her mother, tha little girl was punished for lying, and tha mother continued to live her lyfe as if everything were just fine. Few stories have ever made me want to use a gun as much as this one. One of tha greatest myths in tha on-going conversation about tha breakdown of tha black family is that every woman is equipped to be a good mom.........NOT...........and That’s just flat out wrong, I don’t care how many ABC News specials try to blame everything on black men. Tha fact that your kids are in your home does not make you a good steward of their future. Not acknowledging tha need for strong male role models (preferably tha dad) can lead you to raising your boys to remain little boys into adulthood, thus ruining another woman’s husband. You think you did a great job with your son, but notice that 20 years later, he’s a pants-sagging, uneducated, wannabe thug who sits in his mama’s basement playing Xbox all day in order to avoid paying child support...........TRUUUUUUUUUE.......... Even worse is that the deadbeat mom loves having her 30-year old son in tha house because he has taken over tha role of her missing husband.........But Realli Doe............ Most of us know that bad parenting exists across both genders. We also know that bad parenting can be predicated on making really bad choices......And 2 Us stupid ass MEN........   Tha best way for men to overcome a deadbeat mother is to avoid choosing one. Tha idea that you should place your p*enis into any functioning v@gina attached to a pretty face is one of tha easiest ways to end up stressed out because your child is being raised by a stripper.........LoL......... but No for real doe Men Family planning should start with simply having a  muthafuckin plan. That plan begins with being thoughtful about where you choose to place your seed. Yes, I know that rappers.....Saying lick lick lick it like a fuckin pop on tha radio telling men that they should sleep with every girl who offers to give them what they want, but what rappers don’t tell you is that this is where unwanted babies come from.....You dumb Fucka........ In fact, tha easiest way for a man to spend his lyfe financially devastated is to have a kids out of wedlock. Tha courts will eat your bank account alive and not feel tha least bit sorry for you....... just ask My To me when it comes to mothers, old and young, it’s always important to understand that you didn’t create this baby by yourself. You have a co-parent, and he has tha same rights that you do. You may not like his girlfriend, where he lives, what he does for a living or how he disciplines your child, but he is your child’s father. You chose to sleep with him, and thus made a lyfetime pact to share parental rights and responsibilities, even if he is not tha father you’d like for him to be. Of course there are exceptions, but it seems that we live in an era where people are more likely to discard inconvenient relationships instead of working to improve them.When I speak to my daughters about men, I tell them that “If a man doesn’t appear to be someone who’d be a good husband or father, don’t even give him your phone number. If you can’t tell just yet, that means you don’t know him well enough to be sleeping with him, and you should certainly keep your distance.” Your children should not be the product of a one night stand where you were seduced out of your clothes by.............swag are whatever tha fuck they call it these dayz.........Theses kids deserve better than that. Also, parents should realize that being ADDICTED to your child is not the same as LOVING your child. Tha.............Muthefuckin Motherholic addiction is what I like to call when you can’t live without your child, need your child nearby and snuggle with your child so your brain can be hit with constant fixes of tha neurotransmitter Oxytocin (aka “the love drug” for those who needed help on that one) necessary to keep you from feeling lonely in your lyfe. Loving your child means making difficult sacrifices so your child can have a productive and positive future.It might mean putting up with a dad who differs from you in parenting style, or knowing tha difference between being a parent to your child and being a buddy.To men who find themselves locking horns with a deadbeat mom, I recommend securing your rights in tha womb. That means going to court early to set up visitation, and fighting for space in tha lyfe of your kids..........Something I wish my Dumb Ass would have been did..........  I also recommend being thoughtful about tha women you share your body with. Your child is usually better off if you keep your family together in tha first place..........Asshole it too late Now.......... – I don’t care what anyone else says, children are typically better off with two parents than they are with just one. I speak from personal experience after having a child at tha age of 20 and paying a huge price for tha next 15 years. We all make mistakes and I’ve surely made a share of my own. It’s time to modify tha story when it comes to the state of the black family in America. Tha whole idea that black men are ignorant, lazy cavemen who throw their offspring out with tha trash is tired, inaccurate and ultimately disrespectful.This certainly doesn’t let men off tha hook for tha role we play in our personal and collective outcomes....We need to stop being DUMB FUCK when it comes to doing what's right...... But it does mean that we have to broaden tha whole conversation........#P.N.O

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