Thursday, February 6, 2014

Murderer 2 Celebrity by a pull of a trigger

Many will argue that because George Zimmerman was in fact acquitted by a jury of his peers, he should no longer be looked upon as a murderer. However, in a justice system where what you can prove often outweighs what actually happened, it is more than understandable why many will always view Zimmerman as a murderer. Many times a not guilty verdict simply doesn’t equal a person’s actual innocence..... But what would make him a celebrity in anyone’s eyes? I often wondered what people who were cheering and rooting for George Zimmerman throughout tha trial were actually cheering for It could’t be that he would get away with killing an unarmed teenager. But other than that, what exactly is he famous for Whatever tha explanation, George Zimmerman has currently agreed to a celebrity boxing match for charity.....blow my mind.....This is wrong on so many levels. Before we make jokes about signing up Mike Tyson or Kimbo Slice, let’s first imagine how Trayvon Martin’s parents are any parent would feel at this moment.
Words cannot express how disrespectful this is to tha parents and loved ones of Trayvon Martin. They have endured not only their son being labeled as a thug, his reputation and character smeared by tha prosecuting attorney and tha devastating humiliation of a not guilty verdict that lowered tha value of their son’s lyfe to less than nothing, but add to that this complete spectacle of a charity event involving Trayvon’s killer. From tha time their son’s lyfe was snuffed at tha hands of  George Zimmerman, and throughout every step of tha process thereafter, they have handled everything with a grace and dignity that is unimaginable. Why insult them any further..What type of a human being would actually organize an event like this...Oh I forgot America..... Tha entire ordeal is disgusting.
Furthermore, to exploit tha emotions of an entire country who were intensely following tha details of a case that not only devalued tha lyfe of Trayvon Martin but every young teenager in tha country is not only monstrous but sickening. This infamous not guilty verdict personally hit home with black people from every walk of lyfe in America. It prompted President Obama to say:When Trayvon Martin was first shot I said that this could have been my son. Another way of saying that is Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago. And when you think about why, in tha African-American community at least, there’s a lot of pain around what happened here, I think it’s important to recognize that tha African-American community is looking at this issue through a set of experiences and a history that doesn't go away. While tha promoters of this event may have thought of it as nothing more than an opportunity to make a quick buck, its level of disrespect is repulsive. 

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