Sunday, November 15, 2015


A supervisor call and said it was brought to his intention that we have been asking “People” to let us in tha Building and tha Vivarium…Which you  replied with (Sorry but it really only happen twice once was last week and tha 2nd one was today)"

Now “Black Skin” I understand if we done this a lot but since we been here at this company for (3 years)  But really we can count on my hands how many times we had to ask someone for this service of letting us in Tha Building and Vivarium.. Where we know in fact individuals done it more than that in a year.. Funny how there time didn’t seem to be brought to any ones intention…You know I wonder how many black skin people ever worked for this company California Division “male especially”.. So far all I know of are 4 and we all been to HR over perception and bullshit “Is this a Pattern” Not to count that every time  it's "times-sheet time" it never fails. My time-sheet is being comb thru with a fine tooth comb while other is being handle with {I just when a took care of that for you are etc.} Not us every Wednesday like clockwork after payday it never fails a copy of our time no one else sitting on my supervisor desk but yet I not supposed to feel like we been target are etc….. Only if they can put on this color of skin and see how it’s feels and see why we Identify those thing that is being done to people in our shoes as being target are etc. If it not one thing it’s tha other and I notice this behavior only done towards our color skinned people which some of them think it’s fine but not me….We barely get a hey it was brought to my intention how good of a job you do and etc.. It’s always a complaint and they can be simple as a hole in a bag which caused them to go over tha whole SOP to as BIG as how long it take you to do health checks cause it was brought to my intentions that you been staying only like 5 min on tha weekend and it takes a certain individual 3 min to walk to from her car to tha time clock....Really this is what you going to used a comparance  from a walk from a car and she said it take her 3 min just to do that will I'm sorry to inform you that tha person who your using as resource is really sick...which to mention when I was staying longer I was told about that where it shouldn't take you that long).. Not an investigation is ever done just straight action when it involves me now with other people that’s a different story… I swear on my Kidz this is why I and most men hate being Black …I serious I really believe that every company need to have a class on  tha do's and don't  when working with different ethnic............ Even with a career as a African American I still have to face racism some type of way Any and everything we do is always under a microscope make sure you follow tha sop exactly to tha tee  to other's it just a slap on tha wrist but to my kind it off with his head. We have to fight hard just to keep tha equaliness that we well deserve.... #MyBlackSkin

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