Saturday, January 23, 2016


You cannot walk in victory and live a victorious lyfe if you keep playing tha victim. Yes racism exists sociologically, politically, economically and institutionally. But every time African Americans amplify it’s power, we empower such racism with tha ability to stop us. First this happens in our minds and later it takes root to block our actions. We feel and act trapped. We feel hopeless. We act and react based on what we feel and what we believe. While physically slavery has been abolished (so they say), tha mental chains we use to blame “tha white man” or tha government or tha police officer are holding too many of our people in bondage.African Americans allow our thinking to be controlled by forces that mean us no good. Too many of us make excuses and too many others simply believe they have to go into their prayer closets to overcome and win. But it’s not that simple. People, groups or institutions have tha power to stop you as soon as you believe and accept that they do. I am not saying tha threats and oppression are not real because I know they are. But they are not the giants that our people make them out to be and many of us are bigger than tha monsters we face.

Nobody ever wins by making excuses, denying tha problem, avoiding tha mirror and blaming everybody else Apparently, by now each of our people should know their future is up to them, not the President, not tha pastor, not tha police and not tha “white” man. Minimum wage is not a culprit that can stop a well informed African American with motivation, goals and a plan. Employers are not your parents responsible for your well being. Presidents are not saviors. And civil rights activists are not magicians. You make it happen. You must because you were created to, because you have tha potential to and because you have tha personal responsibility to acquire, achieve and reach your goals. It is not anyone else’s responsibility to believe in you, invest in you or be there for you more than you do for yourself.As powerful African Americans, we need to realize that power and walk in it. A lot of people are talking a good game but walking in despair, poverty, self-deception, fear and excuses. Which of these apply to you, honestly? If you want or need something, map out a plan, get your butt up, stop waiting for others to help, stop making excuses and whining. Like Nike says, just do it. No tha “white” man is not holding you back. No the devil is not stopping you. And no the people you work for or with are not the problem.

When you look in tha mirror, if you do not see power, potential and purpose, there is a problem. If you do not see a focused king or queen, there is a problem. If you see a sad person in the mirror who is discouraged, lost, confused, angry or full of excuses and blaming everyone else, there is a problem. I suggest you turn off tha game, turn down tha music, skip putting in tha weave, bypass tha reality shows, put down tha weed, drop tha ego and start being tha person you were called to be. You definitely need a clear head and you may even need to change your circle of friends.This is your wake up call to stop playing tha victim and start making things happen. If you do not take hold of your destiny, someone else like tha government or your employer will do it for you. But if that happens, you may not like where you end up. You were destined for greatness but you will never get there by riding on the accomplishments of others, making excuses, playing tha blame game and feeling sorry for yourself. It’s time to make it happen. No more excuses.

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