Saturday, June 4, 2016


When I heard  that former heavyweight boxing champ Muhammad Ali had passed away last night, I was very devastated.... Muhammad Ali was not only a great athlete in tha ring, but he was a great and proud unapologetic black man and lets be honest we don't have to many of those kind these days People like Muhammad Ali  will always be heroes because unlike many people with that type of fame and etc. today, he used his platform to elevate his people and community and he always spoke out about #socialissues #plaguing our #community and he was extremely #unapologetic about that is he was proud to be unapologetically masculine as well.....Lol.. Mr. Ali refused to be forced to fight in what he thought was an unjust war because his people were fighting a war against systemic oppression here in tha States.They were using tha draft back then to mainly forcibly remove blk men from tha homes by having them getting killed or coming back from war with PTSD so they can marginalize them from the economic system.He was a champion for his people both in and out of tha ring and he was an inspiration to many boxers that came after him like #MikeTyson. There is a HUGE gap between tha black athletes of the 60s and 70s and tha rich happy slaves of today. While many of today’s athletes are mentally enslaved by tha money, endorsement deals, women, and materialism. Black athletes of the 60s and 70s used their power and platform to speak out about social issues affecting their community and elevating tha people that they love and care about... Thank you Mr. Muhammad Ali for your service to us as your people

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