Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Tha cause inner city violence

1. Poverty – Poverty is tha mother of crime because it has caused a lot of our youth, particularly young men to engage in a lifestyle that is very destructive that could lead them to either tha pen or tha morgue. It also causes a lot of our young men in particular to not value other lives in our community by robbing, stealing, slinging rocks (aka selling dope), or killing just to survive tha rough impoverished conditions in tha inner city communities.

2. Lack Of Opportunities – One of tha main reasons why inner city men are tha most unemployed group of people in this country is not by accident, it’s by systemic design because of tha racially motivated laws they passed to ship tha jobs from inner city communities to overseas. Tha System can’t stand seeing brothers being real successes in anything outside mainstream sports and entertainment in this country.

3. Poor Housing – Because of tha lack of equal housing and tha overpriced rent and mortgage rates that often force a lot of us out of our homes, we can’t get the same access to better housing like tha suburban people would get. And that is also by systemic design.

4.Inner City Educational System – Inner Cities across tha country are greatly suffering from very poor educational system because of tha educational reform laws that are passed to ensure that they remain at tha top and we remain at tha bottom in terms of educational resources. There are also many inner city schools across tha country that also suffer from a lack of funding in terms of remodelization.

5. Bastardized Urban Music – Corporate Sponsored : “When these big racist corporations like Clear Channel and Cox are force feeding this mindless poison on to our kids, particularly our young boys every single day, they are brainwashing them to act and think in a certain way that is consistent with negative stereotypes they like to portray of us. They wouldn’t psychologically sprinkle that poison on their kids, but they’ll do it to our kids in a minute.

“Tha seven ways in which young inner city men in particular are psychologically poisoned by this corporate sponsored  urban music that is constantly played on corporate radio stations everyday is
 1) To stay high and drunk as much as possible.
 2) Cannot under any circumstances respect women, particularly the sisters.
 3) Go out and shoot another brother.
 4) Engage in criminal activity like slinging rocks (aka selling crack) on the corner to make it “cool” to go to The Pen.
 5) Have sex with every woman that approaches from within 50 feet.
 6) Engage in conspicuous consumption.
 7) Lie to people about what you did in your past and lie about your lifestyle.”

6. Self-Hate – Tha self-hate in our community is very real because I have not only seen it up close, but I have also seen it on social media where brothers and sisters are spewing so much animosity and venom towards one another and when that happens. Even those who grew up in poverty are psychologically trained by mainstream media and corporate sponsored bastardized urban music to not value tha lives of other brothers and sisters in tha inner city community.

7. Guns and Drugs – Tha War On Drugs and Mass Incarceration in my view are tha two biggest systemic factors that have basically obliterated our community and family structure at least over tha past few decades. Tha reason why Tha System deliberately put tha guns and drugs in our community was to basically crush our self-esteem as well as destabilize our family structure by getting us hooked on tha drugs, incarcerated on drugs, getting us killed in drug related violence, and giving brothers egregious sentences for possession of small amounts of drugs.

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