Tuesday, July 4, 2017

American People.

It is a shame that our government don’t do their jobs with their constituency in mind. It’s very easy to sit on capitol hill and make laws that don’t benefit tha American people. One can raise tha argument that they don’t see themselves as one of us. They are so high above us that it doesn’t dawn on them that tha poison they create will one day kill them. Republicans and Democrats fight like tha nastiest gangs in this country with no regard to rules. They bicker about issues that affect tha average American every day. However, because they don’t have to deal with the direct consequences of their policy decisions they continue to behave in an irresponsible manner. They are like tha Greek Gods having petty fights at tha expense of mere mortals…until they learn that even tha Gods can die. Everyday there are Americans that face lyfe threatening, and even  lyfe ending, injuries due to gun fire. Many have tried to reason with tha NRA and Republicans that no one is trying to deny them their right to bear arms, however it needs to be regulated. How many more children must fall victim to gun fire? How many more people will be allowed to carry guns that are mentally unstable? Whenever gun control is brought up Republicans act like regulation is new…ignoring that to drive a car in this country regardless of tha state one must have a driver’s license. There are regulations on driving a car…why not guns? On tha opposite end of tha aisle one must ask how hard are Democrats willing to fight for gun control because sometimes both sides seem to lose sight of where their loyalties lie.

However, when a Congressman in shot in cold blood by tha very kind of person that should have been regulated one must ask how does it feel to be us. It was very unfortunate that Congressman Scalise was shot, and others, and we never wish violence upon anyone. Yet, it should be asked how long did Republicans like Scalise think they could ignore gun control before tha terror that many Americans live show up in their back yards. Tha lyfe of this congressman is not more important than tha lyfe of tha lady next door. This is what our congressional leaders, and apparently, tha White House Administration don’t seem to grasp. If you aren’t willing to do your job which involves insuring a safe society for all Americans, you may become a victim just like other Americans.Can tha shooting of one of their own get congress to stop fighting so that it can work for the greater good of all Americans? Is tha blood of Congressman Scalise enough to make them understand tha pain their policies have subjected many Americans to live with? Can they actually get it together?

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