Friday, July 14, 2017

Prison Pipeline

Elementary Genocide” shatters tha silence and directly challenges tha notion that tha Public Education system is not in dire need of repair.  Tha Award Winning documentary was also mentioned by the Obama Administration during a press release honoring the ‘Champion of Change’ Since tha release of “Elementary Genocide”, more than 100 pieces of legislation have been introduced into the U.S. Congress, with another major legislation that is still pending.  This particular legislation seeks to change the ‘Zero Tolerance’ laws that disproportionately affect African-American male who are three times more likely to be suspended for tha same offense as their white counterparts.............

Tha socially engineered mechanism created by our government that utilizes tha public school system to label elementary aged males as work for hire targets within tha U.S. penal system.  Many refuse to believe there is a corporate attack on tha minds and productivity of tha youth through intercepting their educational, economic and social development which results in statistically funneling them through the revolving doors of tha criminal justice system. This documentary confirms this theory and seeks to educate parents, teachers, and families so that we can reclaim our young men and ensure tha future of our community.
Elementary Genocide T-Shirt

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