Sunday, December 10, 2017

One would have to be a fool

Since many of us contend that African American people can’t move forward because “tha White man” is holding us down, we compete among ourselves, and then when anyone among us begins to move up to the next rung in society we put all of our efforts into pulling them back down to prevent them from invalidating our valuable excuse for failure. As a direct result, many ambitious and creative African American people can’t manage to get a foothold in society in order to help pull tha rest of us up, and it’s a vicious circle. So as African American people, we must learn to follow truth wherever it leads and regardless of whose ox it gores. Then, when truth leads to a place or conclusion that we find troubling, we must address the issue honestly and in a forthright manner instead of trying to bend truth into a configuration that brings comfort to our delusions  “It’s not my fault; tha Caucasian man is responsible for my condition.” That’s bullshit. If it weren’t, ALL African American people would be dope fiends, criminals, failures and going in and out of jail but they’re not.
Tha vast majority of African American people have never seen tha inside of a police station or jail in their lives, and they have the courage, determination, and intellectual discipline to move forward in spite of tha obstacles placed in their path. So again, while it’s undeniable that this White supremacist society works hard to stifle African American progress, so do African American people, and tha following explains how and why:We’d rather undermine one another than stick together, we often lack focus, many of us are much more interested in merely LOOKING successful than actually becoming so (flo-showin’), and far too many of us are more interested in becoming sports stars and entertainers that we are competent, learned, and enlightened individuals. And finally, many of us use all our energy and intellectual creativity doing exactly what I’m sure is going to be done in this thread trying to prove that our failure is someone else’s fault instead of looking at ourselves objectively and addressing our shortcomings and everyone has them, even Black people, believe it or not.
But someone who doesn’t want to accept these truths is bound to say, “Man, you sound like a White bigot.” Well, maybe, but there’s a very good reason for that. I’ve learned over tha years that bigots can be a very valuable resource. They hate African American people so much that they dig a lot deeper, and much more thoroughly, trying to find our shortcomings. So I simply let them do tha work, and then I address tha issues that they come up with in an objective and forthright manner. In that way, I allow their idiocy to help me to grow, and to rid myself of my glaring shortcomings. So tha more they wolf, and tha more they try to insult me, tha more they extend my superiority over them.So, yes, White supremacy is without a doubt a big obstacle to African American progress, but it’s far from our only obstacle. Tha biggest obstacle to African American progress is our own people themselves, because we continue to make thinking a hobby instead of a way of lyfe.

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