Monday, January 15, 2018


 "We Keep Ignoring"


This mindset permeates tha psyche of so many us today. Tha self-segregative verbiage and tha idea that based solely on tha color of our skin certain people feel certain cannot be trusted are self-limiting.It is nothing less than a definitional inferiority complex. To go through lyfe believing that “Different Skin Color” people are going to mistreat you and betray you is no lyfe at all. 

I view tha idea of “bad experiences” as Solomon who wrote (and I paraphrase) that all are exposed to tha sun and tha rain, tha good and tha bad. Tha tragic truth is that we have been inculcated to view skin color above all else, including character especially  towards African-American I called it tha conditioned to view African-American as “separate but equal.” Tha number of Caucasian who embraces tha Ku Klux Klan and tha Aryan Brotherhood types, Trust me they are aware of tha extent to which that why they view African-American as separate. Blacks, on tha another hand, Whites and other's are conditioned to be hypersensitive to being conversationally and cognitively viewed as different, and yet that is exactly what most of us demand.

Tha majority of American people have been conditioned to tha point of being borderline incapable of viewing themselves as anything more than a color. While there's a portion of Amerkkka people have been conditioned to view in color-coded terms and reasoning.This is tha 800-pound pachyderm in tha middle of tha room that too few are willing to address. To speak out on said topic is to incur tha wrath of those who believe it enlightened to hold such a divisive mindset. Yes!!! We all are Americans, not Amerikkka. Tha year is 2018. 

Liberal progressives and neo-Leninists haven’t helped racism They have subjugated them psychologically and emotionally to reject modernity. Tha majority of us have been bullied and intimidated into seeing others as a distinct and separate group of what we all have in common ThaHumanRace. Skin color has been used by tha social Darwinists to create tha  “HATE” when in fact tha qualifier for this fallacious construct is based wholly upon skin color.Until America comes to grips with this issues which will be never We will be a divided and acrimonious nation, with some striving to truly get along, while others profiteer from skin color divisiveness.

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