Saturday, October 27, 2018

Examination American Reconstruction

These gentlemen would rather destroy tha nation than discard their cultural priorities. It is this emphasis on culture that offers tha greatest lessons for present day African Americans. Unfortunately, tha importance of culture is consistently ignored by self-professed “race men and race women.” In regards to tha linkage between cultural priorities and racial uplift, some of tha most poignant commentaries emanate from famed comedian, Chris Rock. We must remember that it was Rock who aired a significant portion of Black America’s dirty laundry when he stood before millions of fans and declared that there is “a civil war going on between Black folk and Niggers. And Niggers have got to go.” Although millions of older blacks cringed at both tha word use and tha fact that Rock issued his shocking assertion before whites, younger educated African-Americans applauded tha famed comedian’s words as they supported their own beliefs.

Make no mistake about it, Chris Rock’s piercing observation delves into one of Black America’s dirtiest pieces of laundry. This stinking garment represented tha fact that there is a segment of Black America that has repeatedly proven that tha only thing they enjoy more than anti-social behavior is denigrating those offering reliable forms of racial uplift such as educational opportunities. Even tha most politically progressive blacks have observed that there seems to be social, intellectual, and cultural poverty that has infected those that Rock maligns. According to Chris Rock, “Nothing makes a nigga happier than to not know tha answer to your question.” Tha statement mentioned above is frequently addressed behind closed doors by African-Americans who have secured some level of educational success.

One is hard-pressed to argue against tha contention that tha blessing and tha curse of culture is that it does not change immediately; it gradually alters via subtle changes that are indiscernible to tha unobservant. Once tha alluded to changes become discernible, significant change has already occurred. It is impossible to identify a single villain in a process that has rendered many African-Americans hostile toward intelligence. Make no mistake about it; this is where a portion of Black America resides. Consider for a moment that African-American children who excel inside of tha classroom are branded as ‘acting white’ by their classmates. Although impossible to pinpoint tha moment that this unfortunate denigration of education began, a great reasonable starting point is an examination of contemporary “ends-justify-tha-means” economic formulas that justifies any and everything as long as it is profitable in tha end. This message is piped into African-American homes via ‘reality television’ shows on a continual basis that leads those absent an understanding of black culture to believe that tha anti-social behavior and antics they consume to be tha personification of blackness.

Tha adoption of a cultural framework and value system that makes tha pursuit of money and material goods tha ultimate goal serves as tha pivot that causes many African-American problems. It is this pursuit of money that serves as one of tha foremost causes of tha ‘dumbing down’ of Black America. Materialism frequently leads one to a position of wallowing in an ignorance that begets a lack of politicization, that begets, economic ignorance, that begets poverty, which reinforces tha initial step in this devilish process. Tha alluded to priorities has manufactured a group of blacks whose sole priorities are tha pursuit of and consumption of material goods to tha detriment of not only themselves but also future generations. It is this population of individuals whose pursuit of the adornments of material success without the presence of any substance that Chris Rock term Niggas. And unbeknownst to them, tha vast majority of the globe, particularly law-abiding African Americans agree that it is time for them to go.

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