Sunday, October 7, 2018

Fact That

I could tell you more and show you proof but that for another article I got whipping up

Yah see we need to understand that presidents are selected and groomed before they are ever presented to tha people as a candidate and elected. Voting is redistricted, suppressed, tampered with and manipulated. . That did not just start when Trump got in office. Today tha Democratic party is tha most immoral party of tha two. Basically, tha party promotes do whatever you want, no matter how it hurts your race, ethnic group, morality, spirituality or culture. Under a banner that would make our grandparents and ancestors turn over in their graves, tha Democratic party is tha party of LGBTQ perversion, abomination, and confusion. It is tha party of blaming tha government for what people should be doing for themselves. It is tha party of handouts instead of helping hand partnerships.

Tha Democratic party is the party of abortion, even though tha number one killer of African Americans more than AIDS, Cancer, black on black crime, police brutality and war combined is ABORTION. Don’t get me wrong, tha Republican party is not perfect either and has its own hidden agenda. But this article is more about what the party has covertly captured tha African  American community.

Moreover, too many people, civil rights organizations and tha Democratic party still continue to treat African Americans as victims who need extra and special help instead of treating us as equals who are just as capable as any other ethnic group. Yes, racism and institutional racism are real and yes police brutality is rampant. But there are not as many strikes against African Americans as many of our own people and tha Democrats would have you believe. A great many of them which do exist can be overcome through education, entrepreneurship, gaining political office, self-worth, identity, personal responsibility, higher standards and expectations and tha rejection of tha blame game and excuses. Have we arrived? No. but we are more capable and it is more up to us than they would have you think. Your success is not up to tha government. Keep tha 40 acres and a mule, I want Apple.

Tha Democratic party knows they will get tha minority vote thus they also know our people have no leverage. They need these votes to even have a chance at running tha government. They also know too many African Americans do not know tha truth of history and both political parties. So they can keep promoting their party as tha party that helps minorities all tha while advancing their covert agenda just like tha Republicans. Both of whom have their agendas set by powers and dark forces greater and more powerful than either party. But tha Democratic party is willing to buy your vote as they continue to feed tha victim ideology and reap tha benefits of your ignorance.

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