Tuesday, March 5, 2019

America is dark.

When Ameri-K-Ent pretend that this country has a great history, they ignore tha blood that cries out from tha ground as a testimony against this nation from tha slaves and tha indigenous people lynched and slaughtered in this land. And so lying about history trying to rewrite it or distort it in hopes that generations to come will forget what really happened will not cleanse tha blood from tha ground. Nor will any reparation, 6 figure job or election of a president of color brighten tha heart of this Dark  Ass America. Land of tha free America tha land where slaves work for Free or Tha Land you got for Free by stealing it from tha  “Indians”? Home of tha brave or tha deceived military tricked into thinking it promotes a democracy around tha world that America does not even have..... America has a judicial system that gives this country one of tha highest incarceration rates of any advanced country our size. Opportunity? Hmmm. Equal opportunity, equal access, and equal rights? No. These are tha facts.

Tha real soul of America dark, deceptive, dirty hands, perverted, scams and con games, conspiracies, oppression, racism, sexism, lies, misdirection, fear-mongering, false prosperity, and fake history. Is it any wonder that we see the growth of sex trafficking, hate crimes, priests who are pedophiles, tha killing of unborn children every single day, LGBTQ perversion and confusion, homeless and starving people even in our biggest and most prosperous cities and a justice/law enforcement system that paints invisible targets on tha back of African-Americans, Muslims and Hispanics Electing a president who looks like us does not mean America’s soul is lighter. Especially when that president, like almost every other president before him, was a team player on a team you are not on. How can tha soul of a nation get any brighter when police brutality is in every major city, when active shooters come home to roost every year and when slave-minded programming causes black on black crime to infect both tha identity and tha potential of our people. Tha fact that many of us can live in most neighborhoods, drive nice cars, shop where we like and bring in six-figure incomes does not mean we have arrived on tha mountain top. And I have to ask when was America ever really great for people of color other than before tha colonizers came here?

 You can impact our family, your environment and your community if you are awake, if you are aware and if you know who you are. Martin Luther King Jr. shook this nation before he was even 40 years old. And you can shake tha community around you in your own way. You just have to believe, prepare, step out, step up and speak up in order to make a difference. Stop counting on tha darkness of a system built to consume you, not built to help you. Tha African-American community has plenty of strong, intelligent, capable people. But some sell out. Others are bought off. Others won’t step up. Others have no idea of their identity nor their potential. And too many go in tha wrong direction. We have to change that cycle instead of making excuses for it. Your leaders, your heroes, and your lyfe changers are not found in tha front of your church or mosque. Nor are they found in employers, ancestors, NBA/NFL  figures nor rap artists. Your leaders, heroes, and lyfe changers are found in your mirror. And once you realize tha potential of tha person who stares back at you from that mirror, you will begin to make tha changes you have been waiting on others to make for you.

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