Tuesday, June 11, 2019

court of public opinion

It is unfortunate that many of us have decided to take part in tha (court of public opinion) where our people are concerned. Tha conversations are not confined to simple community discussion. It has become full-blown social media fights. Those that would oppress us are privy to tha fights we have amongst ourselves regarding why we do or don’t support each other. It seems we have a difficult time allowing tha legal process to run its course before deciding to condemn someone we don’t know. Tha problem is we, as African Americans people, have to remember our fight in tha justice system. It is important to remember that we are just as expendable as tha person(s) we condemn. There are many of our people serving time for crimes they didn’t commit. Many of our people are dead because someone thought their opinion equated to justice. In situations where all tha evidence has yet to be weighed, even when we think someone could be guilty, maybe we should consider refraining from tha court of public opinion. aka facebook, Instagram and Twitter. African Americans people have enough to face in this county without having to fight our own in a space we know can kill us.In AmeriKlan know that in many situations African Americans people are seen as guilty until proven innocent. Public opinion has always had a profound effect on African Americans people rights in tha legal justice system. Tha wants of tha public was so strong at times in history that they would dispense their brand of “justice” before African Americans people could make it to tha courts. This ended in murder…and what we also know as lynching. Some can argue that this still happens today when African Americans people are killed by tha police instead of being properly detained so that they can have their day in court. We are aware of tha horrors we face in this country until we have to deal with our own people. 

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