Monday, September 30, 2019

Dear AssHole

I don’t care about tha COON I speak of (family R friends)  you do not turn on your own. Point Blank Period!!!! When you do, that person who's not your culture laugh at your ignorance and your lack of loyalty stupid ass. NEWSFLASH!!!!!.... They don't respect you, even though they act as if they do. And they know that if you will turn against your own, you actually cannot be trusted. So to all, if you hate and/or mistreat your own people, you do not need not type of career that carries a badge. Those who are coons have often forgotten who they are if they ever knew. They will shoot you faster, taser you quicker and mistreat you more often than a racist cop. Oh yes, and in tha process, they do so with no apparent conscience. They are brainwashed to be tha guard dogs, just as some were back in the day's

See when it comes to COONS I do not refer to them as “Uncle Toms”. Because tha (BLACK) American perception of Uncle Tom is all FUCKIN wrong, it was also implanted by racists in tha first place... Ya, see Uncle Tom, is a fictional character in tha book Uncle Tom’s Cabin written by Harriet Beecher Stowe in 1852,  He was a devout Christian man who escaped from slavery through tha underground railroad. Yeah ..... Uncle Tom was a fictional character based on the lyfe a real person named Josiah Henson. 

Josiah was beaten severely by slave owners for refusing to tell where two African-American slaves had escaped to. He was a hero. But because tha racists hated him for his loyalty to his own people, they turned him into a symbol of betrayal and cowardice..... Shit don't believe ask GOOGLE Now a bunch of y'all who never read tha book ignorantly jumped right on tha bandwagon. Josiah Henson was no coward and he did not betray his people as some of you would easily do today if faced with tha end of a whip and you know it. I suggest you read "Uncle Tom’s Cabin" for real this time

 There is another element to this topic. Tha community, like tha homosexual community, does not tolerate being mistreated by its own. They will do much more than protest. They will file complaints and lawsuits, call their city and state representatives, even go to tha media. And you as a rogue Person will lose your job or worse. This brings up a good point. Bad people who hold power over others do what they are allowed to do and get away with until they are legally stopped. And though no color of a person isn't perfect, we have far too many bad coon and egotistical cops in our communities of color.

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