Sunday, June 23, 2024

Black Community (BHM)



As African people, we are aware of tha history of resisting genocide and oppression in various parts of tha world, including Native America, Africa, and Australia. These atrocities have been carried out in tha name of false gods and fictitious claims of civilization and progress, rooted in racism, colonialism, and capitalism. We engaged in a righteous struggle to expose and change tha established order. This meant building unity, forming alliances, and resisting oppressive systems, including tha university, until essential concessions and changes were made. Tha Freedom Struggle, by any honest measure, has been a critical formative factor in tha reconception and transformation of American society since our first contact with tha colonialists, enslavers, segregationists, racists, and others of tha world’s rogue gallery of oppressors. And we remain obligated to finish tha unfinished and ongoing fight for freedom, justice, equality, and other human goods. It is our legacy This is our challenge and overwhelming responsibility.” The repair, renewal, and remaking is not tha “saving of the soul of America,” but saving, securing, freeing, and uplifting tha people of America as a moral imperative, a material necessity, and a central political goal.


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P.N.O Hustle Motto $18.99

P.N.O  Hustle Motto $18.99
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