Wednesday, March 6, 2013


                    At tha close of another Black History Month, will you wait until next year to study or to share history of Africans in America, or will you continue tha study and dissemination all year long?And if you are a conscious Black man or woman, will you study the history of tha African beginning with slavery or beginning with the start of civilization?........When it comes to Black History, most Africans in America start studying sometime around tha beginning of tha slave trade and bring it through to about tha middle of the twentieth century.Tha divergence really comes down to consciousness, because perception is reality. Whatever we perceive ourselves to be comes into existence.We are tha only people in this nation who continue to redefine ourselves based on things outside of our consciousness.I split African people from Black people in consciousness only. This is because they have two different ways of thinking. The Black man across the planet has embraced such titles as Negro, Colored, Afro-American, African American, Haitian, Jamaican, West Indian, Brazilian, etc. All of these titles are basically false, because travel to a land named “whatever” does not make you a person of “whatever” culture, or alter your cultural identity to “whatever.” There is a physiology, a psychology and a spirituality that Africa delivers to tha African across tha globe.From nation to nation, we can feel tha same musical rhythms, we can feel tha same history of attack, oppression, separation and confusion and we can feel the same spirituality if we embrace these things. No matter where you happen to be born on tha planet, there are things within you that make you the physical and spiritual manifestation of Africa. You can reject this ideology and become American, Canadian, or whatever, but reality is not your friend and you will continue to be confused while failing to evolve......Black people who define themselves based solely on their land of residence are defining themselves based on self perception, which is sad, because all of tha lands outside of Africa continue to reject us, even as many of us attempt to embrace them.People argue that we built America, and it is a great nation, so we should claim it as our own. I agree with that to a point, but because of tha beautiful, rich and lengthy history of Africa, I would rather align myself with that continent than any nation.As an American, Black history begins with slavery. African history begins with civilization.Originally, tha first civilizations sprung up off tha coast of river valleys in the eastern region of Africa, such as tha Nile. Africa became tha center of mathematics and science, as well as religion. Our legacy has been obfuscated and stolen, but it is still there for us to claim.Tha invasion of so-called Western Civilization brought confusion, including tha confusion centered in our very definition of self.We can embrace being Black, but only with tha understanding that tha most fundamental portion of being Black is being African. Tha most fundamental portion of being African is being balanced. Balance comes to us based on where we start our study

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