Friday, December 20, 2013

Our Behavior

Why does evil prevail?.....Ask yourself is there one good person with that courage to stand up against those committing wrongs…….Such behaviors begin when we are personally faced with responding either by ignoring or by intervening. Think about tha courage it took for that person to blowers tha whistle on those large corporations to expose tha wrong doings of tha greedy. Building courage comes with practice with tha smaller dilemmas in our lives. A lot of people choose tha easier wrong over tha harder right? What this world needs is enough good people willing to work on building their courage to do tha right thing in small matters and be ready to react someday in larger matters. Beginning early in lyfe as adolescents we have a myriad of paths before us in which many choices appear to lead to bright destinations. Seldom do we realize all that hinges on our choices. What does it mean to choose wisely? To make decisions that will not impair our future and limit our options. Be intentional about your lyfe’s path. Wise choices make for safe, enjoyable as well as meaningful travel destinations. We are responsible for putting ourselves where we are. Unfortunately, many individuals become misled into thinking money, fame and popularity leads to a happy and success filled life. Many will chase the dream of wealth and ignore the power of relationships with family and friends. While culture and media try to dictate what brings happiness and success to people. Who or what dictates your happiness? Ask yourself; is what I am listening to and following leading me to temporary success or does it lead to an enduring legacy of inner beauty and success. "He who achieved success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much…He who has gained tha respect of intelligent men and tha love of little children He who has filled his niche and accomplished his task He who has left tha world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; who has never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty or failed to express it; who has always looked for tha best in others and given them tha best he had whose lyfe was an inspiration whose memory a benediction. So to endeavor means to exert oneself to do or effect something; make an effort; to strive. In order to succeed in reaching your goals in lyfe requires that you constantly strive without giving up. Continual plodding will see you through both the valleys and mountains of lyfe if you keep your eye on the goal. Never allow negative thinking to prevail: not rich enough, not attractive enough, not tall enough, not smart enough. Accept no excuses; just keep plodding. Review your thought processes, set a new goal and endeavor to attain it. Cause lyfe without endeavor is like entering a jewel mine and coming out with empty hands…Do you find yourself repeatedly thinking about something that tend to be a thing of worry? Are do you find yourself thinking on tha same topics often in your Lyfe? Are these topics concerns for something in tha future or past? What we spend our time thinking about tends to consume us to tha point we worrying most of tha time in this lyfe we lead, Dwelling on tha fear of things to come fear and worry are partners of despair. Fear paralyzes our thoughts. Worry intensifies those thoughts and situation. Fear limits vision. Worry cripples vision. Fear zaps energy. Worry controls energy and destroys hope. What quality of thoughts do you choose to feed is what we all need to worrying about could you flip your thoughts around? Could you dwell on things that are true, good and worthy? Hope needs space in your thoughts and fresh air to grow and so do you……Have you ever tried to kick a bad habit,lose weight, or get organized? Tha first steps may be to read articles,appropriate books,take a class and gather how-to information.Your next step is tha "doing" stage. Isn’t it interesting to realize there is a gap between KNOWING and DOING. When it comes to accomplishing a goal it requires more than WILLINGNESS and KNOWING.If you want to accomplish your goal, commit yourself wholeheartedly to applying and doing...Beauty lies in nature!......It asks little from us yet gives much of what we needs: food, shelter, medicine, recreation, and relaxation! Let's be good stewards of this planet by preserving and passing this great gift of nature onto our children and future generations. Reduce your footprint on this planet: recycle, reduce and reuse...

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