Thursday, August 28, 2014

Tha Constitutional rights of American citizens are being violated

Ladies and gentlemen, something very strange is happening in Ferguson, MO. Journalists are deliberately being herded like cattle away from certain people and certain places in Ferguson. Police officers fully dressed in riot gear and shields are openly hostile to tha residents they are sworn to protect and serve Okay Believe it or not, tha social climate in Ferguson, MO is so dangerous currently, tha Federal Aviation Administration has put into place a no-fly zone there. That no-fly zone applies to commercial jets, private planes, and news helicopters. Someone wants to put out tha eye in tha sky as we call it. Tha population there is 65% black. Tha Ferguson Police Department has 55 police officers –only 3 of whom are black. 2 other officers are non-white, and 3 officers are women. Tha rest of tha police force is comprised of white men. You see tha lack of diversity and understanding already? In this small town located in St. Louis County – an18-year old, unarmed black teenager named Michael Brown was gunned down by a lone Ferguson police officer. Michael was walking home. Several witnesses have publicly stated that his arms were raised in a desperate attempt to show tha police that he was not a threat…….Witness accounts claim he was shot in the back. Media reports have confirmed that Michael’s lifeless body was left in the middle of the street for several hours….. Police officials in Ferguson refuse to identify tha police officer who shot Mr. Brown. Diligent reporters have managed to discover that tha shooter is a white male officer and a 6-year veteran of tha force. He’s on paid administrative leave. Which mean this officer is on desk duty while that young man is on a gurney at tha morgue…. Michael Brown’s friend who was with him prior to – and during – tha shooting. There is a huge discrepancy between tha police’s version of that Saturday’s events and tha witnesses’ version. Michael Brown’s shooting comes just three weeks after “NYPD” officers killed an Eric Garner with an illegal chokehold. Another instance of an unarmed black man dead under dubious circumstances. How much credence can be given to tha Police Department’s investigation of Michael Brown’s shooting and other’s? There is already so much secrecy in their practices. Tha Justice Department has boots on tha ground in Ferguson. The FBI is watching. Meanwhile, tha world waits for answers from tha no-fly zone there. Here’s President Obama quote: “Tha death of Michael Brown is heartbreaking, and Michelle and I send our deepest condolences to his family and his community at this very difficult time. As Attorney General Holder has indicated, the Department of Justice is investigating tha situation along with local officials, and they will continue to direct resources to tha case as needed… .Initially, many Ferguson residents protested Michael’s death by way of peaceful marches, signs, impromptu memorials, and other expressions of mourning. One Sunday night, some residents voiced their displeasure by looting and inciting a riot. Stealing retail merchandise and damaging public property is always wrong – and never a justification for protest of any type. That looting led directly to further escalation by tha police. Ferguson police officers were firing rubber bullets and tear gas canisters at any crowd which didn’t immediately disperse upon their demand. Even in their own yards. So now, in St. Louis County – where racial profiling has been known to have been administered against tha citizenry for the last 2 decades – polarization reigns. No fly. Bulletproof MRAP vehicles designed to absorb explosions from IEDs in Iraq and Afghanistan are patrolling Ferguson’s streets. Are there improvised explosive devices planted therein?…. “I don’t think so” Law enforcement personnel is wearing camouflage fatigues in a St. Louis suburb. Where is tha jungle?.....….Not going to fly. “Bring it, bring it… you (expletive) animals!” That quote was recorded by a CNN camera crew being screamed from a Ferguson police officer towards protestors…….”WTF”…….. I know tha events of tha past few days have prompted strong passions, but as details unfold, I urge everyone in Ferguson, Missouri, and across tha country, to remember this young man through reflection and understanding. We should comfort each other and talk with one another in a way that heals, not in a way that wound. Along with our prayers, that’s what Michael and his family, and our broader American community, deserve.” Quite a difference. Michael Brown was a human being who was a recent high school graduate who was preparing to go off to begin his freshman year at college. He had two loving parents. Michael had a bright future ahead of himself..

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