Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Which one are You

Let me be clear…… There are millions of people who’ve been taught to believe that they are equal as everyone else in this world. If you don’t believe me, just listen to Tha Star Spangled Banner “tha land of tha free and tha home of tha brave” …… Of course in statements like Equal Opportunity” “Tha Land of Opportunity” We can make tha distinction between tha two and that distinction does matter, to a point. But what is also true is that even tha statement meaning still means that you may have been tempted to adopt specific, self-destructive behavioral patterns consistent with your “Badge of Honor. I am going to focus this on men, but here’s another thing to remember gender is irrelevant. You can be a male, female or even transgender. Tha key is that you are fully indoctrinated into every type of brainwashing that tha public world has made available to you. So, if you are wondering what a FreeMan looks like when he has not yet been transformed into tha Public Persona Man here are some differences you’ll want to keep in mind: 1.A FreeMan prides himself on seeking knowledge and education, even if he doesn’t have much to begin with. A Public Persona just loves being ignorant and might think it’s OK to be illiterate 2.A FreeMan saves and invests money to build wealth for his family; he might even start his own business. A Public Persona Man will brag to you about how he spent $1,000 at tha club last night and will often be seen throwing money in tha air. He also makes fun of his own kind with his own business because tha big White Corporation has given him a fancy job with a big office so he can live paycheck-to-paycheck until he cries after being downsized. 3.A FreeMan supports owned companies so they can create jobs for other A Public Persona Man thinks self-owned businesses are second-rate and would much rather spend his money on a $200 pair of Air Jordan’s at Foot Locker. 4.A FreeMan tries to live a productive lifestyle and avoid incarceration if possible. If he is incarcerated, he uses this experience to gain a chance for redemption and an opportunity to help other young men learn from his mistakes. A Public Persona Man thinks that going to jail is a badge of honor, never learns from his mistakes teaches and show others it okay 5.A FreeMan is somewhat disciplined about his sexual choices. If he likes tha ladies, he at least tries to respect tha women he interacts with and tries to be responsible about his health. A Public Persona Man just wants to have a “flock of hoes” 6.A FreeMan despite his mistakes seeks to grow as a person and become more responsible. A Public Persona Man has no concern about living in his mama’s basement 7. A FreeMan pulls up his pants and at least tries to live a life of dignity, even if he is dead broke. A Public Persona Man is forever sagging, even at the age of 65. 8.A FreeMan is willing to take up arms to defend his Community and Family. A Public Persona Man will take up arms to go kill a FreeMan 9.A FreeMan will recite hip-hop lyrics that speak on how brilliant, proud and powerful, strong and intelligent he is, as well as tha richness of his history. A Public Persona Man will recite lyrics bragging about how he’s high and sloppy drunk all tha time 10.Tha FreeMan may want to study and learn about the greatness of his people and ancestor. Tha Public Persona Man presumes he’s far better off being Rich Although he may sometimes date outside his race, tha FreeMan exalts and appreciates tha beauty of all women. The Public Persona Man explains to you why he only wants to date white women because they will give him good dome treatment and pretty kids with good hair 11.A FreeMan is, quite simply, a MAN: He stands up against any type racism, protects those that he loves, and is a block of power on which you build strong communities and family kartel. A Public Persona Man is both a little boy and tha one who thinks that tha FreeMan I’ve just described is “acting.” He also is tha one who will read this article and say that I’m being “uppity” for even mentioning tha ideas of self-reliance and personal responsibility. In fact, he’s complaining right now. Tha truth is that we’re not perfect.Most of us have been infected with tha Public Persona virus on some level, myself included.It’s all rooted in this lyfe we wake up to everyday, which affects us. But we’d be idiots not to realize how this flawed and destructive thinking is ruining our communities and keeping us enslaved to tha environment. Also, as much as people might want to read a polite, politically-correct article that makes everyone feel good, tha truth is that times are too serious for us to bullsh*t one another. At this point in history, we have two choices: Either strengthen ourselves or perish. Tha Democrats don’t love you, tha Republicans want to see you dead, tha school systems want to keep your children stupid, Lyfe aren’t going to ever give you enough good jobs, and tha prison industrial complex sees your sons as a source of highly-profitable food. If we do not hunker down and protect ourselves and our families, we will continue to be this class of American society. Part of tha Lyfe Expression and P.ower N.owlege and O.bedience Concept is to help all of us heal from tha ways of thinking that hold us back so we can take on new approaches to lyfe that will allow us to live as free and empowered as every human beings should be. So, I didn’t write this article for everyone, I only wrote it for my fellow Runaway Slaves, who are tired of living on somebody else’s plantation. I wrote this for people who aren’t afraid to stand up to tha Public Persona and tell them that “we’re not going to let you destroy our community.” Our revolution must begin with tha mind and we must protect our children from all enemies, both foreign and domestic………

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