Thursday, December 4, 2014

Tha No Indictment Policy

Tha no indictment grand jury decision in Mike Brown Jr (Ferguson)….No indictment grand jury decision in Eric Garner (New York)….. Is merely tha most recent reminder of who I am, where I am, and what I am. Michael Brown, Eric Garner fate’s clearly informs me that I am a member of an endangered species as a Civilian in tha United States of America. We as people are beautiful, but it isn’t easy….. I am like Moses – but there is no Pharaoh for me to stand before and petition for freedom on tha behalf of people. Tha criminal justice system – carefully constructed for tha purpose of excommunication rather than rehabilitation – is our pharaoh. America’s educational system – within which our young peoples’ hopes and dreams are replaced by someone else’s low expectations for them and their future – is our pharaoh. American societal norms – which are so quick to judge a person by the color of his/her skin and so slow to remember that all men are created equal – is our pharaoh….I feel unwanted, unneeded, and mistrusted. I am a stranger in a strange land. I love America with every fiber of my being – but that love remains unrequited. No matter how educated, how well-dressed, or how compliant I am, my ability to survive an encounter with a law enforcement officer could depend largely on my size, my body language, and that officer’s threat assessment of people in general. In that moment, my being a member of tha media wouldn’t matter. My being a member of tha clergy wouldn’t matter. Who my parents are wouldn’t help me. I love everybody. And yet, I am surrounded by hatred and indifference. You would feel tha same way I feel if you were in my shoes. I am saddened, confused, and angered. For all my faith in God, I’m afraid that tha more things change, tha more they will stay tha same. Hearing tha outcome, I burst into tears these same people who came up with that there wasn’t enough evidence them to just go to trail are tha same people who are so call Godly. I had no idea why it happened, that is, until I began to write this column piece. People wake up please........…..#EricGarner #MikeBrown #TrayvonMartin all have in common is "No Justice" TURE....but it a much bigger picture then this if you look at it Trayvon Martin was done by a Civilian and even with that said he was indicted to tha point of a trial which had a Jury.......Now when it comes to FUCKIN Cops from Rodney King all tha way to Eric Garner tha outcome has always been tha same "No Indictment" which when to Riots.......#SMFH....And also people please understand Grand jury and Jury is two different thing A Grand Jury is when a jury, normally of twenty-three jurors, selected to examine the validity of an accusation Before Trial.....A Jury is when a body of people (typically twelve in number) sworn to give a verdict in a legal case on the basis of evidence submitted to them in Court which mean A Trial has been agree on...It's not a black vs White thing.......Look beyond that to see things clearly it’s a civilian which is us Tha people. Vs #Cops and #ThaGovernment …..Racism and all other forms of discrimination is wrong point blank period. Ours is inclusion, not of exclusion. I will advocate for all people in courtrooms, boardrooms, and classrooms and evens streets to etc…. I don’t commit to this for my own self-aggrandizement. I commit to it for making this place we call earth a better place for my Kids. I do so because it’s right. I want us all to see tha Promised Land. That sweet land of liberty! Together .I am in tha service of tha Great I Am. I love, I learn, I laugh, I cry, and I try – therefore I am.

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