Monday, December 28, 2015

Spiritual Belief

We can all agree to that Jesus used parables to teach tha word. When He was alone with His own disciples, He explained everything. Mark and Matthew differ in their reports of stilling tha storm. Mark said Jesus left a crowd behind as they took Him along in tha boat. Matthew said that Jesus got him into tha boat and His disciples followed Him. Mark also said there were other boats with Jesus. Tha disciples described a sudden furious storm that was calmed by Jesus.....Do we, with all of our modern technology, face uncontrollable storms? What is tha source of your help? With more than two thousand years between us and Jesus, we may not realize tha limitations of our own strength and knowledge. God, through Jesus, calms all storms according to His will. We are facing or have faced job loss, housing, family lyfe issues, discrimination's of all types, faith based challenges and health problems without solutions. Only God through Jesus can create tha miracles we need. We cannot rely on our strength.

Jesus can calm any storm with His love and patience. In a storm we name may work by faith when problems confront us (sometimes daily) as we struggle to live by tha commands of  lyfe. We must continue to pray that our spiritual belief through  tha Universe will grant us great understanding to believe  with strength and wisdom to move accordingly. May we also encourage others to serve and witness concerning their spiritual belief  How can we reach out to a variety of problems without being affected? We continue our faith based activities because He is greater than all worldly events which it true but He is our strength. 

Tha endless storms make us witnesses concerning tha power of our belief. Our problems can be like tha furious waves that spread over tha boat that carried Jesus! We must not forget tha source of our help nor tha risks involved to witness as we render service for God through tha Universe Jesus suggested that He and tha disciples go to tha other side of tha lake. Jesus somehow fell asleep despite knowing tha danger that surrounded tha area! No fear was shown by Him, but tha disciples were stressed and fearful. He knew tha unfailing power of universe during that raging storm. As they sailed, He fell asleep easily before being awakened with shouts all around Him saying. “Master, Master, we are going to drown!” With His command of authority, everything subsided immediately. He asked His disciples, “Where is your faith?” All storms can be devastating without faith in tha enduring love of Lyfe

We need much fellowship with peaceful feelings to know that the love of Lyfe endures during our storms of all universe issues. Changes can occur as we choose to surrender to tha understanding to live lyfe to learn it anything that tha Spirit of tha universe points out as not being in harmony with Lyfe will. Unless tha right choices are made by us, then sometimes painful results may occur. Jesus word convinces us of tha right choices and with His empowerment; we can keep his way if lyfe in our boat as we moment by moment see spiritual changes in ourselves and others. With tha love for lyfe , we can overcome our problems no matter how difficult tha struggles!
It is easy to feel fearful and discouraged over our spiritual growth. When feeling like we are not independent boat riders, think of promises you have made for lyfe to convince us not to give up. Trusting in our own strength can cause us to drift from lyfe. We can sometimes become overwhelmed with earthly cares and a spiritual awakening can transform us totally. Growth and change are part of our lyfe experiences as we keep in our spiritual belief 
God wants us to depend on our belief which can be accomplished through prayer and meditation . It is this enduring love of lyfe when storms of tha universe occur that our spiritual belief is present when we pray with faith for others and for ourselves according to His will. Because Jesus taught in parables and as we continue to witness miracles and victorious outcomes no matter how dire tha circumstances appear, we know that winds and waves still obey mother nature voice. As a spiritual believers, I know Jesus’ enduring love is needed and I also know that lyfe is Heaven cannot exist without it! What can we learn from Jesus’ words to His disciples? As we sum up many of our stormy experiences, we need and ought to have strong faith at all times in ourselves goodness and power. Think of tha miracles that can occur when our spiritual belief speaks to any circumstance and say “PEACE BE STILL!”

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