Friday, January 8, 2016

Before you attempt to tear apart this article.."sit back and think"

 Today in this country #AfricanAmericans want to blame everyone else for our problems instead of simply looking in tha mirror. We want to blame tha police for tha very thing we do to each other on a much larger scale every week. We want to blame tha school teachers when our children do not learn. We want to blame tha white man for holding us down. We want to blame tha government for failing to take care of us. We want to blame tha system. We want to blame tha devil. But what we do not want to do is face up to tha reality of personal responsibility. And those things that were once valid reasons for our oppression have become one-sided excuses.In many cases tha police are at fault. In many cases tha teachers are not teaching as they should. In many other cases social programs have been set up as traps for us. Yes racism exists on many levels and yes there is a plan to oppress, subjugate and eventually destroy African Americans. But all that being said, we cannot and must not let things stop us. Nor must we continue to make them excuses which allow us to abdicate our personal responsibilities to ourselves, our children and our community.

It is our African American parents who are letting their children roam tha streets. It is tha parents who are letting their children smoke weed, use drugs and hang out with tha wrong people. It is tha parents who are not checking homework or making sure tha children go to school. It is tha parents who are letting tha children play violent video games like Grand Theft Auto, listen to degrading rap and hip hop. And as a result, tha educators and police officers are having to confront what tha parents will not. This, of course, is not true of all African American parents. But it is true of far too many. As a parent I once allow my kidz to do some of these thing I speak about before I learn better.....Tha African American community is faced with a highly implosive form of denial kept in place by blaming everybody else in order to avoid tha mirror. These are excuses that keep us from ever getting to and resolving tha root of our problems. Sometimes several participants are to blame for our problems, including us – yes us. 

 Tha times of blindly sending our children outside to play without knowing what they are doing, where they are, who they are with and what they have must END NOW Where are our protests, riots and marches when African Americans kill each other at an alarming rate every week? Where is our outrage when our children are incarcerated for things they did and things their parents never stopped them from doing? Where is our outrage when our children are having babies, smoking street weed laced with rat poison, feces and embalming fluid? Where is our anger when our young boys are saggin (niggas spelled backwards) and our young girls are dressing and acting like whores? As a whole, African Americans don’t even seem to be outraged when our girls think they are guys and our boys act like girls. Do we expect more from tha police, tha school teachers, tha “white” man and the government than we do from ourselves?  The African American community expects and accepts too little from ourselves and expects too much from people and governmental systems who or which obviously do not care about us. Maybe that is tha problem. And maybe we are afraid of what we see when we look in tha mirror. Therefore we find it easier to simply blame it all on somebody else. And before you get mad at me, look in tha mirror. I tell police officers out here tha same thing and some of them listen.On tha other hand, tha deputy who threw tha girl out of tha chair in school was solely at fault and should be prosecuted. Tha officers who let Freddie Gray were solely at fault and should go to jail. We need to look at all sides

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I waited a couple of days to respond to this post. As if the post was telling me to go for it. I get tired of hearing theses insane reasons for black people this and black people that. That's not giving any solutions. As a grandmother of 2 and a parent of one thank God I never had to deal with parent issues of today. Yet you fell to mentioned that we no longer have the right to discipline our children properly. Even God says in his word: "spare the rod,spoil the child" Our rights as parents has been taken away and given to the children. Whity know what they're doing. And the fact that Satan has children of all races working for him to buffet God's children. Who you working for? You forgot about all the slack that mother got for chastising her child in front of the media. As a degree holder in Criminal Justice trust me they want us to act a fool and get locked up. That's where the money in,the stocks and bonds in. We are booty for the system. Stop critizing us and love us. You don't see other races blogging about how their people conduct themselves either. I don't speak about my people in a negative way on social sites. I hold them in high regards. In my eyes they can't do any wrong. You should to practice it. Remember the apple don't fall far from the tree. When you talk about us you talking about self. Everybody wants to be an expert on black people. Find another hobbie.

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