Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Campaigns & It's Foolishness

No one can deny tha #PresidentialCampaign has turned into one big circus, and there is nothing positive about it. We have two candidates that no majority of America truly favors. This has become choosing tha greater of two evils. However, tha campaign has greatly exposed how much we don’t understand tha way our government functions. Many have laid issues at tha feet of tha President that belong as the feet of Congress. We listen to candidates tell us what they want to accomplish in their First 100 days, and it’s just that…a want if Congress is not willing to cooperate. There are those within our community that are so disgusted with tha Presidential campaign that they are considering not heading to the polls to vote. Tha President of the Unites States is an important office. However, tha President DOES NOT MAKE LAWS. Tha President can send budgets and such to the congressional floor but your House Representatives, and Senators will decide if those proposals will pass. Even if tha President vetoes a bill…Congress can override tha veto. You may be saying I know this already, but if you understood it voting would not be an option. Your local government makes decision that affect our lyfe directly their decisions cannot be blamed on tha President. We can’t hold officials accountable if they don’t believe we will vote them out of office. Black people, many of us are organizing, and honestly we are mad as hell about the state of our communities....However, we have laid quite a bit at the feet of President Obama without holding our congressional and local leaders fully accountable. #November82016 we will have President Hillary Clinton or President Donald Trump, but who will be representing you in Congress? Have we come together and organized to know what our agenda is…what do we need from our officials?This is more than saying stop systematic racism, stop tha police brutality or we need better school. Do we have any idea as to want we need, and any ideas on implementation. Are we ready to be a regular face at city hall, or a regular email to our congressional representative? Do we understand who lobbyists are, and what they do? Making change is more than marching in tha streets..Tha emails of Hillary Clinton, tha commentary of Donald Trump, and even tha concern of hearing Russia’s name too much in this election campaign has distracted us from congress. This fiasco is enough to anger any American, but it must anger us to productive action verse making us shutdown. Regardless of how we feel about our treatment in this country America is our home. Our ancestors paid a gruesome price in tha building of this country, and we must hold it accountable to tha fact that we are indeed citizens that deserve to be treated as such. Don’t let this campaigns foolishness distract you from being heard

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