Saturday, November 5, 2016

Fellow Americans


       Tha Belly Of Tha Beast called Amerikkka, which incarcerates more of its citizens, most of them black men, than any other country in tha world. What is seen as a public health problem for caucasoids has been used to criminalize black people, particularly black men as these “mindless barbaric thugs” tha media loves to portray us as.Prison is a form of systemic genocide that Tha System loves to use against black men to incarcerate as many of them as possible so that Tha 1% can make millions and billions off their unpaid labor and Tha NCAA also follows this very exploitative business model.As much as victim advocates and extreme feminists in mainstream media like to talk about rape from a narrow minded one-sided point of view, but what they fail to realize is that the worst of rapes don’t happen in society, they happen in prison because many inmates, particularly black men go through all kinds of abuse, rape, psychological trauma, and de masculation from not only other inmates, but also racist caucasoid guards.

         A lot of these brothers that get out of prison come back into tha community with mental illness, marginalization from tha racist economic system, psychological trauma, and tha inability to become good husbands and fathers because Tha System mentally, psychologically, and spiritually murdered them.I would say at least 9 out of 10 black families in their lifetime in Amerikkka has had or currently have relatives incarcerated, many of them black men serving draconanian sentences for having a gram of crack in their possession after being convicted by an all-caucasoid jury.I remember when I did a bit in Tha County, in C Block where I was housed, there were few inmates that were mentally ill and I remember a particular inmate (a caucasoid man) that was in C Block where I was that would get up and scream, make noises, and kick the cell door that Tha Goon Squad had to come and calm him down and when that didn’t work, they removed him from C Block and put him in another area of Tha County.

 Here are the negative effects that prison has on black men. 
 1. Marginalization from the racist economic system. 
2. Demasculized to the point of being afraid of his own shadow. 
3. Causes them not to have the ability to become great husbands and fathers down the road. 
4. Causes some of them to get caught up in making the same bad decisions that put them in prison in the first place. 
5. Causes them to give up on their life by engaging in very destructive habits like popping pills or staying high and drunk all the time. 

 Tha Counclusion to this...People in mainstream media can’t bring up mental illness in society without talking about the mental illness that a lot of brothers that come back into tha community with get them from prison,

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