Sunday, September 24, 2017

Tha best solution

1. A Black Students In Predominant White Schools After tha “Brown” decision, what tha system did was basically force black students into these very toxically hostile white schools in which black students were physically and verbally attacked by white students and white teachers on a daily basis back then.While many people either say that Killary’s “superpredator” comment or “desegregation” led to tha militarization of public schools, but fail to realize that tha infamous “Brown” decision was the actual catalyst that led to tha militarization of public schools in tha mida1960s and now tha militarization of public schools has now reached its peak with tha extreme militarization and police containment that’s prevalent nowadays in predominant black elementary, middle, and high schools across tha country.

2. Many Black Teachers Lost Their Jobs – After “Brown“, many black teachers that used to enjoy teaching black students had lost their jobs and were forced into tha unemployment line by tha system and many of them still can’t even get jobs teaching in predominant black classrooms to this day because of tha infamous “Brown” decision.

3. Qualified Teachers Are Passed Over For Unqualified Teachers Studies have shown that qualified teachers have more experience and credentials than other teachers who don’t have much experience in teaching in predominantly black classrooms. But with tha way tha system operates is that for them to keep tha parasitic capitalistic tactic of tha school-to-prison pipeline going, they deliberately pass over the qualified black teachers in favor of tha unqualified white teachers who harbor very negative white nationalistic views about black students, especially young black male students.

4. Educational Level Of Students Greatly Decreases – One of tha biggest detriments of tha “Brown” decision is that tha educational level of black students dropped once they were forced into very hostile white schools where physical and verbal abuse towards them not only from white students but also from white teachers were common so much that tha educational level for black students have greatly dropped back then and still to this day. School systems across tha country love to “brag” about tha so-called “overall grades” of tha schools, but tha truth is that our kids aren’t tha failures, tha colonial education system is tha ultimate failure factory.

5. Leads To Tha Militarization Of Public Schools In Predominant poverty Areas – About a decade after tha infamous “Brown” decision, more police were originally assigned to white schools to protect their kids from the “scary” black kids and they were complicit in tha colonial violence that were inflicted on black students back then and still to this day.

Nowadays, in predominant poverty elementary, middle, and high schools across tha country, there’s extreme militarization and police containment on those campuses because of tha public policy of police containment of tha black community that’s fiercely enforced by corrupt city governments and school systems across the country. Young black kids these days don’t feel truly safe under tha public policy of police containment because tha police are notorious for intimidating, harassing, assaulting, pepper spraying, tazing, and arresting  kids at a rate between 3 to 5 times higher

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