Sunday, October 22, 2017

I am not sure

Why tha national anthem and tha so-called American flag are part of sports pageantry. Before 2009, while tha national anthem was played, sports players were not required to suit up, stand up, and put their hands to their hearts; and why should they? Tha song that is sung is an insult to people of color. When I hear “tha land of tha free and tha home of tha brave,” I think, “tha land of tha thief and the home of tha slave.” Tha Department of Defense paid tha National Football League (seriously?) to promote a fake sense of cultural hegemony, and to spread the false notion that we are all on the same page when it comes to patriotism. But tha truth is how could we be on tha same page? How could tha men who have been hauled out of their cars, pushed down to their knees, forced to justify tha reasons they are driving high-end cars be on tha same page with tha men who “own” them, who may or may not support them, or may or may not kneel with them Taking a knee during tha national anthem, not because we wanted to disparage tha flag, but because we disparaged tha many ways that African American people were being diminished by police brutality. Tha men and tha women who have been unjustifiably killed, call tha names of tha many ways structural racism that cuts like a knife or kills like a bullet.

There are those who have a story to tell about so-called disrespect to tha “American flag,” tha same American flag that is drenched in HumanBlood. BlackBlood was spilled in World War I and came back to this country and were lynched because they refused to yield tha sidewalk to (I'm sorry but it true)White people. What flag did they serve under, and why should we celebrate it? Why do disingenuous fools, including NFL owners with strangely coded language, suggesting a lack of loyalty? Where is tha loyalty to tha Black men and women who supported a country that would not support them? Tha paradox of loyalty is that African Americans love a country that does not love us. We pledge tha flag, drenched in blood because we want something better.

Taking a stand because we cannot embrace a flag that supports the unjustified killing of our own kind This protest is about police brutality. This is a protest about tha fake-Jake way some would bond us together, linking arms and elbows, trying to make a point. There is no point beyond tha fact that young men, who play football, baseball, and basketball see their brothers and cousins on their knees, legs and arms splayed, forced to the ground by oppressive police forces.

We can fly this flag all we want to, we can sing melodious songs about “tha star spangled banner,” but tha flag we fly in tha name of sports is a flag that is drenched in a lot of blood of a race they broke a lot of promises too. And once again let me remind you players weren’t “encouraged” to stand at attention during tha national anthem until 2009 when tha Department of Defense paid money to make it happen. I’d prefer for my tax dollars to be spent more wisely. I’d prefer that some of that money went to washing tha blood out of tha flag.

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