Monday, November 6, 2017

Cultural Appropriation R Cultural Exploitation

There’s a topic that’s being commonly #discussed amongst a lot of #America people that they call #culturalappropriation  but I define it as #culturalexploitation. To tha parasitic opportunist of  America, our culture is a costume fad to them, but to us, our culture connects us back to tha roots of our ancestry. Tha colonial social system is a huge problem and often punishes us when we embrace our culture whether it be on tha corporate plantation or tha public school system.

Cultural exploitation from parasitic  colonizers is nothing new like a lot of reactionary people in America claim that it is, but that claim is not actually true when in fact, it started way back several centuries ago Tha cultural exploitation was actually started by Europeans who attacked African people over 600 years ago which in tha process cause stealing our names, languages, identity, self-worth, culture, etc. and tha cultural exploitation has manifested itself in several ways since then....

Here are five forms of cultural exploitation that have been done historically and still continue to do today.

1. Tha Entertainment Industry – It appears that nowadays I’m seeing more and more parasitic opportunists to enriching themselves off tha massive exploitation of tha stolen cultures for their own personal gain. It seems to be  “cool” to enrich yourself by exploiting another’s culture for parasitic capitalist gain by insultingly saying to us “thank y’all for making this stuff for us to infiltrate and profit off of”A notorious example of tha cultural exploitation by parasitic opportunists in tha entertainment industry is when I saw a video a few years ago by notorious parasitic opportunist called “23” in which tha blatant cultural exploitation was clearly on display when different pairs of J’s was wore in tha video and different #23 jerseys while exploiting our culture in tha process as well as participating in tha sexual exploitation of urban women

2. Hollywood – Hollywood has a very notorious history of whitewashing and exploiting culture for parasitic capitalist gain and it’s seen in certain movies that deliberately whitewash over tha true history of Ancient Kemet by casting white actors like Elizabeth Taylor as “Cleopatra” or casting white actors as Ancient Kemet figures in other movies like “Gods Of Egypt” and it’s also seen in plenty of video and mobile games as well nowadays. Even their awards like “The Oscar” trophy is a stolen copy of Ancient Kemetic figure named Ptah. Also, I would also like to point out that African history has even been whitewashed by Hollywood in films

3. The Imperialist U.S. Government – Many of tha symbols that tha imperialist U.S. government currently uses are pieces of African culture that was stolen over 600 years ago during Europe’s attack on Africa and African people. Tha symbols that tha imperialist U.S. government uses from stolen African culture are: The President Of Tha United States Symbol and tha back side of tha throwback $1 bill are a stolen copy of Tha Original Ancient Kemetic Bird Shen Symbol. America’s colors of “red, white, and blue” are a stolen copy of the original colors of Tha Karnak Temple in Alkebulan. Also, I would also like to point out a certain capitalist corporations like Starbucks currently uses a logo that’s a stolen copy of an Ancient African woman named Yemaya.

4. Hair Styles – African women have had cornrows and braids way, way, way long before tha notorious parasitic opportunists had them. In fact, colonial media have made their entire wealth off of tha massive exploitation of stolen African culture, especially stolen African female culture.

5. Religion – It’s no secret that Christianity is basically a ripoff of African spirituality and not only that certain things in Tha Bible are stolen copies of African culture.

Tha Ten Commandments are a stolen copy of Tha Laws Of Ma’at.
Tha Christian Cross is a stolen copy of Tha Original Ancient Kemetic Ankh Cross.
Tha image of Mary and Jesus are a stolen copy of Auset and Heru.

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