Sunday, April 8, 2018

761 Blaca Pantha

I bet you didn't know tha Black Panthers was tha nickname of tha 761st all Black tank unit in World War 2 and they were one of tha best, if not tha best, tank outfit in General Patton’s army. They fought in several fierce engagements and won numerous commendations including tha Congressional Medal of Honor. They were the first Allied unit to break through tha Siegfried Line and enter German soil. They were credited with saving tha lines of thousands of US ground troops and liberating 130,000 civilians from Nazis rule....Ya see Mr. Jackie Robinson, tha first Black man to integrate major league baseball in 1947 when he joined tha Brooklyn Dodgers, he was a member of tha 761st. However, he did not serve with them when they were sent overseas because of an incident on a bus during training. He refused to go to tha back when ordered by tha driver, and so he was brought up on charges. Though eventually cleared he was, nonetheless, transferred from tha unit right before they were sent to Europe. Now During Freedom Summer, 1964, in Mississippi, tha Black Panther symbol was used in voter registration drives. At tha time Blacks were not allowed to vote throughout much of tha South. In  Mississippi and Alabama tha suppression of tha Black vote was absolutely unyielding. Civil rights workers attempting to gain tha franchise for Black citizens were arrested, beaten and even killed. For example, two Queens College students from NYC, and a local Mississippi man named were beaten to death that summer by local policemen and Ku Klux Klansmen.

Stokley Carmichael and tha SNCC (Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee), were deeply involved in tha voter registration efforts and frequently faced police brutality and jail. At tha time, local white party used a white rooster as their emblem, and SNCC countered with tha symbol of tha Black Panther. At one point in tha struggle in Mississippi, Stokley Carmichael declared, “This is tha twenty-seventh time I have been arrested and I ain’t going to jail no more! Tha only way we gonna stop them from whuppin’ us is to take over. What we gonna start sayin’ now is Black Power!” When he returned to tha North, he began what came to be known as the Black Power movement in which Blacks began to forcefully demand their rights and fight back when attacked. Then which blossomed into tha Black Panther movement which began on tha West coast and soon spread across tha country. Okay now around this time, Marvel Comics YES!!! under tha direction of Mr. Stan Lee, created tha Black Panther character who first appeared in the Fantastic Four comic book series in 1966. Tha proactive thrust for power and equality was also symbolized in tha late 1960s Hollywood movies with fierce Black heroes like Shaft and Superfly and tha many tough guy films of Jim Brown and others. 42 years after his genesis in tha comic books, Black Panther has come to lyfe on tha silver screen.Have tha people that he represents at long last arrived, as their boundless jubilation, an echo of their joy nine years ago, seems to signify, or is this just one more stepping stone, and a fictional one at that, on their never-ending journey? If so, when will their travails finally come to an end? Perhaps when they realize that tha only chains keeping them down are tha feathery ones that fetter their minds. Now.......Ask your self this......... Is tha current occupant of tha White House now there because he is tha antithesis, tha anti-hero, to Obama, his nemesis? 

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