Monday, June 4, 2018

Dear Ame-Ri-K-Ent

Donald Trump is president today because he told tha people he would “Make America Great Again” and put “America First.”Which bring us back to tha question: What is Ame-Ri-K-Ent cause today? for example, Defeating Nazism and fascism was a cause. Defending tha West against Communism was a cause. But what cause now unites  Ame-Ri-K-Ent? It is certainly not Spiritualizing tha world as it was in centuries long ago, or imposing Western rule on mankind as it was in tha age of empires from tha 17th to the 20th century. Democracy crusading is out of style as tha free elections we have demanded have produced Perhaps our mission is to defend and protect what is vital to us yeah right!!!!!! One can't help but to wonders: How many of these potential wars could we fight without having America bled and bankrupted? What conceivable benefit could we derive from these wars, {please justify tha cost} Looking back, only one great power survived tha last century as a world power. .In 1991, we Ame-Ri-K-Ent started down tha well-traveled road of empire, smashing

 What is going on? A scholarly study sums it up Tha statistical trends in religion show two separate Europes: tha West is undergoing a process of secularization while tha postsocialist East, desecularization.” One Europe is turning back tha other is turning its back And when Vladimir Putin and Belarus’ Alexander Lukashenko are standing up for traditional values against Western cultural elites, tha East-West struggle has lost its moral clarity  so, With tha moral clarity of tha Cold War gone, how do y'all rally Ame-Ri-K-Ent to fight on tha other side of tha world in places most of them can’t find on a map?

What do you Ame-Ri-K-Ent stand for now? What is your cause in tha world today?
In World War II, Ame-Ri-K-Ent had no doubt they were in tha right against Nazism and a militaristic Japan that had attacked us at Pearl Harbor. In tha Cold War, we believed Ame-Ri-K-Ent was on God’s side against tha evil ideology of Marxism-Leninism, which declared tha Communist state supreme and that there was no such thing as God-Given Rights

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