Sunday, July 1, 2018

Tha justice System

Most Ame-Ri-Kent's will never be arrested yeah right!!! Ame-Ri-Klan is tha number 1# leading country in arresting their own people. For those who are, unconditional release on one’s own recognizance sometimes is appropriate. But not for those accused of committing the worst crimes, when a remand is necessary. Tha majority of cases fall somewhere in between. When substantial evidence points to guilt, and especially when tha possibility of severe punishment encourages flight, some incentive to appear for tha trial is necessary. That requires taking into account defendants’ varying wealth and opportunities. Tha system does just that.

Tha worse tha crime, the greater the amount of tha bond. Judges also typically have tha discretion to adjust tha bond to reflect a person’s wealth: a rich person aka Tha Nu poor people will pay more, perhaps much more. People can put up their own money or property, which is forfeited if they don’t show up for their trial.

For those of more modest means who cannot cover tha cost, there is tha bail bondsman. Tha latter put up bail, for which they typically collect a fee of ten percent of tha total. Tha incentive for tha defendant to appear is tha knowledge that your bondsman there are around 15,000 nationwide will track you down if you jump bail. Tha bigger tha bond, which they lose if they don’t bring you in, tha greater their incentive to find you.spend as little time incarcerated as possible.

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