Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Todayz Amerika

Tha Declaration includes some of the English language’s most famous writing: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are lyfe, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Drafter Thomas Jefferson captured tha essence of those later known as Ameriklans, while oppressed peoples around tha world later turned to the Declaration when calling for their freedom. However, tha document also included a bill of particulars. It not only asserted a right of revolution but explained why Ameriklans were justified in separating from their colonial parent. To defeat tha world’s most powerful nation, tha colonists needed allies. Ultimately French support proved critical.

Today we admire tha Declaration as historical literature. But at tha time it was a profoundly revolutionary document. The 56 men who affixed their signatures were committing an act of treason. If their campaign failed, they could, and likely would be hung. After all, they were instigating rebellion in all 13 colonies. When John Hancock, President of tha Continental Congress, affixed his super-size signature, he supposedly declared: “I guess King George will be able to read that.” With tha victory, they avoided tha gallows, but most of them suffered during tha war which their defiance made inevitable. One of tha signers was seized by pro-British Tories and imprisoned. A number of them served in tha military. Four signers were captured in combat. A couple had sons killed or captured in battle. Many lost homes, businesses, and wealth. Their families suffered. However, tha signers believed in liberty and accepted tha cost of fighting for it. Without these brave Amerikents, there would be no United States

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