Sunday, March 29, 2020

Bad Batch of Lyfin aka Convid_19

Let me be 1 who acknowledge this: ....As much as we preach #stayhome... As humans and tha way design it only so much we can take it gonna come to tha point where enough is enough... It just tha way it is it's how our brain works... Rather you (agree are disagree) We all as humans have an addiction we all share that is lyfin aka LIFE.... 
Tha way it moves; 
Tha sounds it makes;
Tha ability to smell,hear and taste it;
Tha things we can do free at well;

 An just like any drug addiction 💉 detox is a muthafucker... Think about tha 

1st stage: Tha announcement Which bought on Fear people panic buy up everything to tha point wear basic health products become more valuable then. Money💰
2nd stage: Tha Reaction for example ( Tha tiktok video's📹  Tha challenges, Tha PSA 📹 video's, Tha Live Streams, trends and etc.)

3rd stage:Tha frustration of confinement (Which we in tha beginning of) that brings on tha behavior of irritation which open doors more easily and quickly for arguments, fights, and etc. in ones environment...

(So instead of me asking others to do something that eventually my time gonna come where i cant even do what I have ask..)

 Let me say this since we all are addicted to lyfin aka LIFE in some way shape are form I ask you to becareful cuz theirs a bad batch of lyfin out there that hit tha market from overseas aka (Convid_19) that spreading rapidly and tha fuck up part about you couldn't tell if you had some until 10 to 14 days later and tha side effects aka symptoms is a muthafucker.... So if you gotta got get you hit, fixs, are etc... Make sure it pure and uncut... If your normal lyfin spot is out, close, are etc. and you go looking for it some where else (I advice not just wait until u can reup again) but if you have to make sure it's between 90 to 75% pure uncut anything below that you taking a hella of a chance be safe stay your distance purify your environment as much as possible keep your circle minimum
.. Go only if you have to To those who sitting on enough lyfin that you can get threw this shit I salute you take care 

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