Tuesday, June 2, 2020

M.A.D Amerikent


I Do not advocate violence but I do advocate self-defense, getting tha attention of tha people who need
to change this system and bringing about a radical, revolutionary change in a language that tha murderous oppressors understand. Now with that said, "CONSIDERING WHAT AMERIKlAN HAS DONE TO BLACK PEOPLE, WE HAVE BEEN OVERLY TOLERANT" which is TRU All over this country fires have been raging. From Minneapolis to San Jose to Atlanta to Texas to Washington DC and then some. Tha misdirected anger People who are angry (and afraid) and simply don’t know what to do. People who see three police officers still not charged and walking free. People who realize even now tha coroner in Minneapolis is helping pave tha way for tha murderer to cut a deal. People, black and white, who are standing together because they have had enough of tha Eric Garners, tha Sandra Bland, tha Philando Castiles, tha Ahmad Aubreys, tha George Floyds and a host of others black, all dead. Then we have to see a young black CNN reporter on the air doing his job get handcuffed and taken away for no reason while CNN was broadcasting. AMERICKLAN ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
M.A.D people program we have a president who wants to turn back tha clock so wake tha freak up and realize what is happening. And if you think you have “arrived” because you have a nice house, a nice car, a nice salary, wear a suit and people smile and talk with you, wake up because you are in a delusional coma. People smile but plot behind the smile... I know not all people or all cops But too many! For decades people have marched peacefully, protested in an orderly manner, hosted candlelight vigils, and practically begged Ameriklan. And what happened? So to tell people about peace and patience while tha racism knee is on tha neck of  Amerikents.  it's Ironically they still expect us to roll over and let it continue. 

In 2020 armed militia with assault weapons stormed tha capital of Michigan, not once but twice over being asked to shelter in place 

And in Virginia, armed militias threatened to storm tha state capital to stand against gun reform
So why weren’t they called thugs, domestic terrorists by this joke of a president, arrested, held down til dead, hunted down in neighborhoods and shot?
 {I will give you one guess. plz comment below
They carried tha same type of weapons used in almost all of tha active shooter killings done by people who looked like them. But tha news media didn’t lose its mind and tha country didn’t go into a mass panic. Why not? We have seen too many bad people and cops get away with murder when they did it. We need stronger solutions then ( Maybe) Cause maybe is what we should have done we should have just gone home and been quiet our ancestors could not vote. Maybe we should have just stayed in Massa’s ole barn and not caused no trouble. Maybe we should have just gone to tha back of the bus and shut up. Tha Hell with that and you know it. maybe Someone should tell Ameriklan that has been in battle after battle, war after war, including tha one waged against tha African Amerikent community. Maybe someone should tell tha racists who chased Aubrey through tha streets and killed Floyd. Or maybe those who think like slaves should go back in tha barn and put the chains back on while tha rest of us fight for real freedom. As Ameriklan burns, is Amerikents learning anything? Freedom for all kind of community will happen and you cannot kill it with bullets, tanks, flashbangs, racism, rubber bullets or bean bags because tha desire for freedom burns far too brightly in tha hearts of the people. Ameriklan change your ways. And if you can’t, "maybe we should have more of tha teachings of Malcolm X than those of Dr. King...

M.A.D T-Shirt
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