Tuesday, September 15, 2020

People I remember

My parents sternly explaining to me when I was younger that we are not “colored folks”. “You can say African-American if you like though I’m not fond of that…but never call us colored”.However, recently I have been running into people who quite offensive to me because of my skin tone (“colored”) people being in tha space of really being free as them. Their response to me has been loud, offensive, and immediately tha shame set in. Tha realization and re-minded that "fuck this shit" was and still a thing felt in words, tone, and expression. In that one moment, I understood in a very painful way. I tried to explain why this is happening now and all I could come up with is this must be code for tha n-word. This encounter led me to think about tha People of Color title.I grew up in tha blatant South, though there are still issues with segregation there aren’t signs everywhere Colored was tha label attached to said treatment. This sting was felt all over tha country, and yet in certain parts, tha stain of that time blatantly exists to this day. I wanted to believe tha shame of Colored was for previous generations. Yes, I knew tha history, but this was one of tha few areas by which I wanted to believe in progress, and possibly healing.... I guess not...

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